Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Higher Goals

At first review, my higher goal is to teach.
There are several things I teach different peoples, some I do better than others. Business wise, I seem to principally focus on teaching organizations how to first begin to understand what their real objectives are and then how to achieve them. Sometimes, the host organization never wants to recognize their real objectives and instead prefer to focus on simpler, more straight forward goals - like making more money now and into the future.

I used to think that that goal, as stated, was the quintessential objective of any organization - if all activities were aligned correctly, then this is what would be achieved. I have more recently come to believe that there is a more crucial path that must be followed. I believe that there is a social consciousness that the corporate entity must have in order to just be viable and then it needs to adopt a holistically optimized fiscal policy in order to really succeed. Basically, a company whose executives are hell bent on making as much money as possible for themselves and/or their shareholders on the shoulders of a second class within the organizations (the workers as versus the executives) is doomed to failure, as it drives towards local optimal. Ricardo Semler has had some interesting ideas that he has put into practice and succeeded with. He was a contemporary with Goldratt's original work, and though I can not find any indication that they knew each other or of each other, but I find early Goldratt and early Semler rather complementary.

Bottom line is that I am really tired of corporations - large or small - taking advantage of their workers. We should train and support and mature them - like a medieval guild. It does not have to be compassionate, but if it does not take care of its workers, then they will not be able to continue producing work that provides value to the company and its clients. Think of it as a symbiotic relationship more than anything else! If my higher goal is to teach, I would like my highest goal to be to teach this message, and perhaps show the world, one industry at a time, how we can make our society a better place by symbiotically respecting and supporting each other. The final finesse would be to put it into a worldly perspective such that this whole process fits within the greater flow of the river of life, such that our actions and results seek to reach a holistic global optima, fitting in with nature rather than replacing it.

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